"Labor" Day Events

Sunday, September 7, 2008

We had a productive Labor Day holiday getting ready for my "Labor Day" which is quickly approaching in 14 weeks. Davy worked hard on refinishing the dresser a few weeks ago so I could paint it white this past weekend to match the other furniture for the nursery. The dresser was a gift from Grandma Stephenson and we are so thankful to be able to use it.

Davy also installed a chair rail around the nursery wall so we could paint the bottom half of the room Navy Blue to match the train bedding. I am continually amazed at Davy's carpentry abilities and so thankful to be married to such a gifted man.

Dad working hard on refinishing the dresser.

The dresser is now white!
Guest room before it was turned into the nursery.

The train mobile

I was tying the bumper around the crib.